We are writers
It’s the easiest way for us to say how we help you to organize that thought, that idea — that “thing” that is twirling around in your head — and we help you write it in a way that engages your audience.
You have to start somewhere, and it usually starts with an idea. And here, at Adage, we hear it all too often: “I know what I want to say, but I can’t quite figure out how to say it.”
You need help communicating that thing you’re so passionate about.
And that’s where Adage can — and will — help.
In fact, it’s what we do: We get your point across.
Why we do it.
We’re passionate about communication. We want to breathe life into that idea, message and/or story you have in your head and give it arms, legs and then have it walk, run or fly with purpose. To see your audience as engaged, informed and prepared is as exciting to us as reaching the top of a mountain, winning a round-trip ticket, or even better ... making those pants fit for the first time, in a long time.
We are excited to help you share your message, so let’s get climbing, flying or holding our breath.
Some of the very first written communication began with the quill.
It is one of the very first writing instruments used to create many powerful, historical manuscripts. The quill is what Shakespeare used to write Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet; America’s forefathers used it to sign their names to the Declaration of Independence; and Lord Byron used the quill to write, “One drop of ink makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.”
A simple tool can create the very magic that people will always remember.
This is exactly why we chose the quill as our logo.